White sands shrouded with a putrid stench, enveloped in Sargassum.Toxic gasses pervade the air, unyielding. Lungs struggle, unable to compete. Corals die, lifeless objects fall in its path.

Am I selfish to yearn for crystal-clear water?

As tourists depart, seeking refuge afar, armies cleanse the beach, with tireless might. Burying, raking, collecting, composting.

Are these efforts futile or mere survival?

Amidst the chaos, conflicting desires reside. Plastic waste harnessed. The most vulnerable fed, sustained.

Will I ever again immerse myself  in its tranquility?

They promised change. Their warnings now echo off the surface, reverberating through the sand and clouded air.

I wonder, even my sanctuary?

My cherished love, turquoise escape. Waters that nourish, cleanse, rejuvenate.

And what lies ahead, what fate awaits?

My carousal has been thwarted. Blame falls on them, on me, on all. For none are innocent in this shared plight.

What else will be cruelly snatched away?